Weeping willow origin

The weeping willow (Salix babylonica) is a deciduous tree and belongs to the willow family. It is native to Europe, North Africa and Western Asia and is found in many different climates. The weeping willow reaches a height of up to 20 m and is known for its long, slender branches and its long, floppy appearance. It is a popular plant in parks and gardens.

In many cultures, it was revered as a sacred tree and planted in holy sites. In Greek mythology, the weeping willow was associated with the god Dionysus. Dionysus was the god of wine, fertility and ecstasy. The weeping willow was often planted in vineyards because its wood was used to make wine containers. The weeping willow was also seen as a symbol of the transience and changeability of life. In mythology, it was often used as a weeping tree because it was easy to cut and shape and its branches withered quickly.

The weeping willow is a monoecious tree that produces both male and female flowers. Flowers appear in May. The leaves of the weeping willow are long, narrow, and glossy. They are curved in shape and grow on long stems. The length of the leaves can range from 5 to 20 cm, depending on the species. The fruits of the weeping willow are capsular fruits that appear in long, slender, cylindrical capsules that hang in clusters from the branches. The capsules are about 2 to 4 cm long and contain several seeds. When immature, the capsules are green and turn brown when ripe. The seeds are small and have a narrow, flat shape. They are enclosed in the capsule and are dispersed by the wind when the capsules burst.

Weeping willow flowers

Care and location of the weeping willow

Weeping willows prefer moist and nutrient-rich soil, preferably in a location with a good water supply, such as near ponds or streams. They can thrive in full sunlight or shade, but they are more susceptible to fungal diseases and pests when grown in shade. The soil should be well-drained to prevent waterlogging.

Cutting the weeping willow

The weeping willow does not need to be pruned regularly, but targeted pruning can rejuvenate the plant and influence its growth form. The best time for pruning is in winter or spring before the new shoots sprout. Old and diseased branches are removed.

Watering weeping willow

The water requirements of the weeping willow depend on various factors such as age, size, soil and climate. Rising temperatures and increasing dryness can put the weeping willow under stress. Depending on the location and the climatic situation, it may be necessary to water the weeping willow more frequently during dry periods and on days with full sun than in previous years. The weeping willow has a higher water requirement than other shrubs and trees and the soil should never dry out completely. The weeping willow should be watered with a larger amount of water instead of watering it several times in small amounts. As a guideline, a watering requirement of 75 to 100 liters and for older trees 150 to 200 liters per watering should be estimated. When watering with a garden hose, a large part of the water seeps into the soil or evaporates before it can be absorbed by the roots.
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Fertilizing weeping willow

The weeping willow does not require regular fertilization, as it usually grows in wetlands and can absorb nutrients from the soil. However, in very dry and nutrient-poor soils, it can be beneficial to occasionally feed the plant with an organic fertilizer such as compost or horn shavings. A layer of mulch will help keep the soil moist and prevent weed growth. Care should be taken not to apply mulch directly to the trunk of the weeping willow. This can lead to fungal or mold problems that can damage the trunk of the tree.

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