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What you can do about the ant nests in the area of your tree watering bags
In times of above-average rainfall, ants sometimes nest on the dry underside of the bag. They can also be attracted by leftover organic material that serves as a source of food. You can usually recognize ant nests by the many tiny white eggs that look like grains of rice. If you look closely, you will see ant trails leading out of the nest.
Basically, ants are not that bad, they are even helpful for trees and the ventilation of the roots to a certain extent. If ants build their nest in the roots of the tree, this can have bad consequences, depending on the size of the colony. Although the animals do not necessarily eat the tree, they loosen the soil - which can lead to the tree losing its grip, especially in very young trees. Therefore, it is important toIt is particularly important for young trees to keep the soil stable to prevent them from falling over.
A first step would be to remove the bags so that the ants no longer enjoy the dry protection provided by the bag. This should help colonies retreat. Better weather also helps here, because the long rain is the main cause of this problem.
Other remedies for ant infestation
In most cases, no chemicals are required to get rid of ants and pests from a tree. This can be achieved with a self-made nettle slurry. This only needs to be sprayed regularly (a few days apart) onto the affected tree. This drives away pests and ants and provides the tree with additional fertilizer. Nettle manure is prepared as follows:
- Freshly cut around 1 kilogram of nettles
- only chop them up roughly
- Pour over 10 liters of cold water
- Now let the container rest in a dark, cool place
- stir once a day
- let it steep for about 7 days
- When the nettle manure starts to smell, it is ready for use
The nettle manure is always diluted and only used in a ratio of 10 parts water to 1 part manure.
Another tip: All strong-smelling natural and essential oils (tea tree oil, cinnamon, lavender, thyme, sage oil, etc.) as well as vinegar, herbs and lemon peel drive away the ants with their smell, as this disrupts the ants' sense of direction. Fill one of these products into a spray bottle and spray the ant trail or directly onto the nest.
More tips to get rid of ant nests under tree watering bags
- Cleaning and removal of food sources: Ants are often attracted to food sources. Make sure there are no open food sources near the tree watering bags. Keep the area clean and remove leftover food.
- vinegar solution: A mixture of water and vinegar (approximately 1:1 ratio) can serve as an environmentally friendly ant repellent. Spray the solution in and around the tree watering bag area.
- coffee grounds: Ants don't like the smell of coffee grounds. Sprinkle coffee grounds around the tree watering bag area to deter ants.
- Cinnamon: Cinnamon has a strong smell that ants avoid. Sprinkle cinnamon powder around tree watering bags to keep ants away.
- Peppermint oil: Peppermint oil has an intense smell that ants don't like. Soak cotton balls with peppermint oil and place them near tree watering bags.
- Baking powder and powdered sugar mixture: A mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar can act as a natural ant poison. Place the mixture near the ant nest.
- Citrus fruit peels: The smell of citrus fruit peels can scare away ants. Place the peels of citrus fruits such as lemons or oranges around the tree watering bags.
- Baking soda and chalk: Ants also avoid baking soda and chalk. Sprinkle a layer around the tree watering bag area.
- nematodes: These microscopic nematodes are parasites that use ants as hosts and thus reduce the colony.
- Diatomaceous earth: A natural, sharp-edged powder that repels ants by destroying their protective wax coating.
- Movement of the bag: Regularly moving the bags can disturb and drive away ant colonies.
- Professional ant repellents: If the above measures are not effective, commercial powder or spray ant repellents may also be considered. Make sure to choose a product that is suitable for outdoor use.
- Ant Nest Redirection: If possible, try to carefully reroute the ant nest by blocking access to the nest and giving the ants an alternative route.
It is important to note that some of these methods may not be equally effective against all types of ants. As a rule, the combination of several deterrent methods and tips produces the best results. In the long term, it is important to eliminate food sources and moisture. In addition, it is advisable to check the bags from time to time during heavy rain and when the skin is dry, or to remove the bags from time to time.
If the ant nest problem is more severe or persists for a longer period of time, it may be worth calling in a professional pest control company.
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